FALLing In Love
FINALLY. Fall. I have had boots, scarves and everything pumpkin waiting for this season. Now, it feels like fall.
After being in a beautiful fall wedding yesterday, I have thought a lot about the phrase. Falling in love? When people say they have fallen, it usually is fallowed with some terrible joke about Life Alert ("help I have fallen and I can't get up") or "have a nice trip, see you next fall." But in the context of love and leaves, falling is a beautiful thing.
For me, I have fallen many times. Most of these occasions ended with me in the ER getting stitches in my face (shout out mom and dad for being patient) and often in tears. But, how is it that we use the word "fall" about love?
To me, I think it is not something that we often do intentionally. It is not like we wake up one day and say, "I am done being single and it is time for me to fall in love." It is subtle and gradual. It is not the flip of a switch or even overnight. It happens slowly, but all at once.
Now, why would I talk about falling in love? I do not have a boyfriend. My mom jokes that I am in a "long-distance relationship with a boyfriend who lives in the future."And that is totally cool with me. This post is not a plea for a matchmaker. Please. I am in no hurry. To be honest, I am currently falling in love.
That's right. I am in love. I am slowly and gradually falling in love with the person I have become. I am taking care of my body, cooking most of my meals, keeping my apartment clean and learning to be kinder to the person in the mirror.
Everyday, we are given a chance to be kind and love ourselves. Do NOT take it to the "Love Yourself" by Justin Bieber level where you become arrogant. But, loving ourselves is truly essential to an optimistic lifestyle. Treat YOURSELF like you would want to be treated by others. That is not the golden rule. That is not the platinum rule. That is the diamond rule. Because diamonds are under pressure to become shiny. Like a diamond, we are feeling pressure by the facade of social media and celebrities to have everything perfect all of the time. And when we try to mimic others, we lose our own shine. By following the diamond rule, you take the pressure off yourself to let your light shine.
I watched a video on YouTube the other day that really resonated with me about self-love. Please watch it (it is hyperlinked if you press on "YouTube" above.) I challenge you this fall to "fall in love" with all of the things you are and you have become. Like the falling of leaves, this might be a slow process. But do not lose hope. It is not a race, but a constant journey.
After being in a beautiful fall wedding yesterday, I have thought a lot about the phrase. Falling in love? When people say they have fallen, it usually is fallowed with some terrible joke about Life Alert ("help I have fallen and I can't get up") or "have a nice trip, see you next fall." But in the context of love and leaves, falling is a beautiful thing.
For me, I have fallen many times. Most of these occasions ended with me in the ER getting stitches in my face (shout out mom and dad for being patient) and often in tears. But, how is it that we use the word "fall" about love?
To me, I think it is not something that we often do intentionally. It is not like we wake up one day and say, "I am done being single and it is time for me to fall in love." It is subtle and gradual. It is not the flip of a switch or even overnight. It happens slowly, but all at once.
Now, why would I talk about falling in love? I do not have a boyfriend. My mom jokes that I am in a "long-distance relationship with a boyfriend who lives in the future."And that is totally cool with me. This post is not a plea for a matchmaker. Please. I am in no hurry. To be honest, I am currently falling in love.
That's right. I am in love. I am slowly and gradually falling in love with the person I have become. I am taking care of my body, cooking most of my meals, keeping my apartment clean and learning to be kinder to the person in the mirror.
Everyday, we are given a chance to be kind and love ourselves. Do NOT take it to the "Love Yourself" by Justin Bieber level where you become arrogant. But, loving ourselves is truly essential to an optimistic lifestyle. Treat YOURSELF like you would want to be treated by others. That is not the golden rule. That is not the platinum rule. That is the diamond rule. Because diamonds are under pressure to become shiny. Like a diamond, we are feeling pressure by the facade of social media and celebrities to have everything perfect all of the time. And when we try to mimic others, we lose our own shine. By following the diamond rule, you take the pressure off yourself to let your light shine.
I watched a video on YouTube the other day that really resonated with me about self-love. Please watch it (it is hyperlinked if you press on "YouTube" above.) I challenge you this fall to "fall in love" with all of the things you are and you have become. Like the falling of leaves, this might be a slow process. But do not lose hope. It is not a race, but a constant journey.
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