48 Hours
Since I deleted social media two days ago, I have experienced some changes and come to recognize my own habits. Here are just a few...
- I am constantly checking my phone. Now obviously there are much fewer notifications now that I do not use Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat, but I still have a habit of picking up my phone every couple of minutes. It is simply out of habit and boredom.
- I go to sleep much faster at night. When I do not have apps on my phone to mindlessly scroll, I actually go to sleep.
- I am worried that followers think that I have blocked them. Looking back, maybe I should have prefaced my social media boycott by telling people that I am deleting it, but again, I am concerned about worrying too much about what people think. People know how to get in touch with me, and I am hoping that this separation will encourage people to reach out in more creative and intentional ways.
- I am bored. I only say this because I know that I am actually *not* bored, but have grown accustom to having something to do always.
- My skin is glowing. Between the social media hiatus and increased water consumption, I am much more at ease. No breakouts. No fidgeting. No teeth grinding.
I am actually looking forward to being bored. I feel like I will be more intentional with my time and interactions, and can focus on being creative, versus having something to fill my time that is unproductive. I hope that my story can encourage others to consider doing the same.
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