Serenity NOW

A TED talk (click here) I was listening to today was so inspiring, that I actually had to take notes.

There were several things I wanted to immediately comprehend and unpack, and so now I am writing.

Here are a few points that I wanted to highlight:

There is almost nothing outside of you that will help in a lasting way. You cannot buy or date serenity or peace of mind. Hearing this, I felt attacked. I constantly am chasing joy. Sometimes in the form of dating. Sometimes I am literally chasing joy when running on the treadmill or at spin class. No person or thing will ever complete you more than the power of self-love and self-acceptance. You are whole.

Everyone is broken. Stop comparing your insides to other's outsides. People do not make their worst candid photograph their profile pictures. People tend to share more of the good things than their bad. Do not compare their vacation pictures to your "I woke up like this" face.

Temporary success needs recovery and will not heal you. I was actually talking to mom and dad sometime this week about research mom had read about regarding high school student-athletes. Student athletes (and I would argue show choir members, band/guard members, and drama students) become used to cheering. They use it as fuel, feedback and motivation. But what happens when all of that is over? What fuels you then? Same goes for life. If we set out to achieve a goal, become a best seller, or win the lottery, what do we do after we peak? Do we watch other people peak and feel jealous?

Help is the sunny side of control. This was the biggest punch in the face I had while listening. How often do I want to be involved saying that I am "helping" when really all I want is control?

The talk also mentioned that every writer starts out with bad drafts, but stays in the chair. I am staying in the chair, and hoping to remain inspired.


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