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I didn't want to be here

I would be a doctor probably. Or maybe an astronaut if you go back to the dreams I had when I was a six-year-old. If I look at what I wanted to do when I was 10, I would have told you that I would be a research chemist. I might have even found the cure for diabetes or cancer or something. As a freshman in high school, I would have thought I would be a Rose Hulman graduate. A biomedical engineer. Maybe a physicist. I would have played volleyball in college, too. As a freshman in college, I would have been a corporate brand strategist at this age. Maybe working in a big city. Or maybe even married with a kid on the way. What I absolutely would have not dreamed of is where I am now. To be honest, this would have been a shock to me. I could not imagine looking my 19-year-old self in the eyes and telling her, You will have left a high-paying job and taken a waitress job. You are working as an assistant at the university you attended. You will move back in with mom and dad. You wil...

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